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One-Day Eating Psychology Retreat

Sat, Jan 22


Online Event (Zoom)

Ticket Price: $175 (Venmo & PayPal options listed in class description)

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One-Day Eating Psychology Retreat
One-Day Eating Psychology Retreat

Time & Location

Jan 22, 2022, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Online Event (Zoom)


About the Event

Many people try to fix their food and body challenges using nutrition/diet. When nutrition is the right intervention, it really does work.  But often the root of the eating challenges people find themselves facing lies in psychology … the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that influence or limit us...

On Saturday, January 22nd, Laura will be offering a day-long eating psychology workshop online (Zoom). Generally, this workshop will be a good fit if you tend to find yourself experiencing a split with your eating or attitude toward eating, meaning you might go through periods of dietary restriction followed by periods of dietary "indulgence" or "rebellion" and want to learn how to transform this pattern or feel drawn to learning the deeper dimensions of nutrition, eating, and body weight.

During our time together, you'll learn sound dietary principles that support metabolic functioning and learn exactly what needs to happen to reduce polarized eating patterns based on patterns observed in client case studies over the past 12+ years.  We'll address the deeper dimensions of perfectionism, nutrition in the West, common fears and reactions that arise when working with diet, personal evolutionary steps toward more joyful eating, and specific practices to heal your eating in a personal way, strongly rooted in the Feminine.

Our morning session: build awareness and guidance around effective nutritional interventions for challenges that are physical in origin. Learn what common nutritional practices backfire and how to set things up with diet so the body synchs up with its natural rhythms and appetite.

Our afternoon session:  learn eating psychology principles and how to work with influential forces of the personality system that can transform and heal your eating habits sustainably. We explore the impact of emotional metabolism, personal boundaries, the deeper split in the psyche, the need for conscious ritual, and more...

(Optional: A complimentary Q & A session on Zoom will be held on Sunday, January 23rd from 1:00pm-1:45pm EST for participants)

Prepare to feel uplifted and encouraged!  Though my language focuses on women, class is open to anyone who feels drawn to the themes presented here. 

Location: Online

Date:  Saturday, January 22nd, 2022 (live attendance required, the retreat will not be recorded)

Time: 10:00am-4:00pm EST

Cost: $175 


VENMO: SEND $175 to @lauraburkettgutierrez (use 1691 as last 4-digits of my phone number)


($75 discount available for BIPOC)

Refund Policy: Refunds issued through January 15th (please let your loved ones know this day is blocked off for you)

Still want to hear more about the event?  LISTEN TO THIS 10-MIN CLIP

Laura Burkett Gutierrez (she/her) has been serving West Michigan as a coach, counselor, and teacher since 2009. She bridges ancient and modern nutritional science, eating and depth psychology, and Internal Family Systems therapy and is an apprentice of psycho-shamanic healing. Read more at


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