Today I’m gathering my final preparations for my annual Ayurvedic Spring therapy.
Hello, liver and gallbladder…it’s time…
Part of the protocol includes oleation, a therapy that involves drinking increasing amounts ghee each morning (yes, drinking butter – not something I’ve ever looked forward to, however the addition of coconut milk, cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom helps immensely!)
Between the work the ghee does along with the use of a good number of ayurvedic herbs, it can be a little intense for beginners.
No need to be a hero if it feels like too much of a leap.
There are plenty of other therapeutic and non-restrictive things you can do to support your liver (like add dandelion root tea to your morning routine, for example, or use turmeric more regularly).
I’ve gone this type of route myself before.
Going in, I’ve reconciled that there will usually be a part of me that drags my feet and would rather enjoy dinners out with those I love.
In fact, I’m heading out for a nice Italian dinner in an hour or two!
And still there’s another part of me that relishes the rejuvenation and knows that my body feels wonderful afterwards and for several weeks beyond.
So here we go…
This coming month, think about where your interests are, what your current relationship with food is like, what you’re curious about, and how adventurous you’d like to be with your diet…
Enjoy the entry into Spring!