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How I unconsciously held myself back (and a sneak peek)

Laura Burkett

It’s hard to believe there was a time where I wouldn’t ask for support in my life. I didn’t realize how much this was really holding me back. When I stepped out of my comfort zone and did try exercising my “help me muscle,” I would ask for support in all the wrong places and would end up feeling judged, misunderstood, or stuck. Over time, I learned it was best to ask for support from those who were where I desired to be. In other words, I’d ask myself, “Who’s got what I want? Who is living and showing up in their world in a way that inspires me?” It was this intention that has led me (and still leads me) to the teachers and mentors that have been powerful catalysts in my life. Paying it forward Over the past several years, the nature of my own work and the support I meant to offer has become more clear and expanded. The areas of nutrition, exercise, diet, and body wisdom all play critical roles in the development of self-mastery and self-trust. I teach women how to navigate and heal these areas and take a stand for the health of their bodies, minds, and hearts. I’ve done it myself. And damn, it feels good. In my experience, the more I’ve stepped into a role of an empowered and trusting woman and eater, the more I’ve been able to anchor into the real stuff life is made of: the unique expression of my own being and soul, my voice, my worldview, being in authentic and nourishing relationships, and the being in alignment with the work I am meant to offer. In other words, I am freer to be me. A wish I have for every woman. Including you. Why this matters We are collectively distracted by our bodies, trying to defy age, flatten our tummies, and lose “the last 5 lbs.” I know you have far better things to be doing with your precious time on this planet than spend copious amounts of time obsessed, (or at the very least distracted,) by your body and your appetite. What if I told you I’ve created a program that can free you, too, from the collective dysfunction around body image and nutrition? A program that will teach you to finally be able to trust your body and will give you the exact steps to show you how it can be done. Well I’ve created it. I’m almost considering making this a pre-requisite program for any of my clients as well as those who have been thinking of wanting my support. I believe in it that much. Enrollment for Empower Your Eating: 6 Weeks to a Hot & Healthy Body Image opens later this month. Why this will be a game changer Everything you think you know about the attainment of health, weight loss, and a better body image will be challenged. By completing this program, you will be several steps ahead of our modern health curve. How you will benefit I’d love for you to imagine:

  • Appreciating your silhouette and reflection

  • Feeling way better seeing your naked body – a definite confidence booster!

  • Your body releasing any stress weight you’ve created

  • The enjoyment of adornment, getting dressed, and trying on clothes

  • There being no such thing as a “good” or “bad” eating day (really)

  • Eating with gusto, pleasure, and trust

  • Admiring yourself

  • Releasing the body comparison game when you walk into a room

  • Taking a pro-active role in radical self-care in a way that feels great for you


  • Kissing “control” and “willpower” good-bye yet getting far more sustainable results

  • Enjoying the permission and pleasure of both green smoothies and exercise as well as chocolate and napping

I know you have important, big-pictures things to do in your lifetime. Add up all the time you’ve spent trying to attain perfect health, an ideal body, a lower weight, or mastery of a specific way of eating. That’s a lot of time. The world needs you less distracted and more fully realized. Your family needs you. Your community needs you. You need you. Are you ready to be part of the movement? Join me. Enrollment to Empower Your Eating: 6 Weeks to a Hot & Healthy Body Image opens on Monday, March 25th. Check out the class details here. Want a reminder? Sign up for the Real Food Wellness newsletter below to be the first to know when enrollment and my Early Bird Special begins. Woohoo With inspiration, Laura

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