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Skip the wine and drink one of these to calm your nervous system

Laura Burkett

When not made conscious, emotional triggers can sabotage the best of us. We might be going about our day feeling relatively well, then a co-worker, friend, loved one, or even stranger says a particular something in a particular way, and BAM, we find ourselves experiencing a surprisingly overwhelming emotional state. Even our own worry, rumination, comparison, or scarcity thinking can catapult us into an emotional hurricane. Sometimes these emotional states can be so strong there is little space to slow down, breathe, and get curious about what is happening inside of us. We might end up acting out in ways that end in disappointment, shame, feelings of defeat, or frustration. Common behaviors:

  • Turning anger and judgment outward toward others

  • Engaging in self-attack or nasty self-talk

  • Reaching for lots of sugar or refined carbohydrates

  • Drinking too much

  • Lighting up a cigarette

  • Finding yourself reaching out to people or relationships that are not life-affirming

Part of your healing journey is creating more space to examine your personal triggers, bring them fully into awareness, and find new “pro-you” ways of navigating these turbulent times. Long ago I learned a little nutritional trick of the trade to help create more SPACE for self-inquiry. The trick involves three specific drinks (and no, I’m not talking about beer, wine, or vodka!) Here they are:

  1. Green Juice – greens, celery, cucumber, lemon, and ginger is great (maybe a little apple for sweetness)

  2. Miso Soup – grocery stores sell dried packets that you can simply add hot water to

  3. Vegetable Broth – homemade is wonderful. Organic, store-bought is okay in a snap.

Why? When we are in a full-blown stress response our physiology shifts. Stress-fighting hormones start pumping through our system, we want to fight or flee, and our bodies shift into an acidic state. The three “drinks” I mentioned above are extremely alkaline-forming. Drinking them during a period of stress can support the body in becoming just a touch more alkaline, relaxing the body. Is it a way to avoid your feelings and get on with your life? No. It’s simply a loving nutritional strategy to take the edge off a very edgy emotional state and help give you more SPACE to be present. One of Viktor Frankl’s famous quotes I’ve probably referred to before: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” I hope you found this helpful. Drink up! With love, Laura Like this article? Then you might also like: Why I reached for junk food even though I knew I’d feel bad about it

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