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What freedom looks like + NEW PROGRAM

Laura Burkett

The thing about freedom and confidence around eating, is that they’re not as easily measured as, say, a pay raise or counting calories, points, or macro-nutrients.

Numbers are much easier to track down on paper.

Freedom and confidence around eating are felt on the inside.

These feelings often show up in our eating behaviors.

NOT feeling free or confident, for example, may show up as overeating foods you feel guilty about eating, going on and off ambitious diet plans in an all-or-nothing sort of way, micro-managing and tracking food intake on an app or in a notebook, eating previously eaten “off limits” foods in defiance, even projecting your judgments onto other people who “eat poorly,” or comparing yourself to other people who you feel are nutritionally ‘better ‘ than you.

None of that feels very free, does it?

Because this sort of freedom and confidence I describe is internally felt, we can begin to notice it from the inside out.

Instead of tension we notice a relaxed body. Instead of worry, obsession, or rumination, we might notice a more spacious, resourceful, and adaptable mind. We might even notice a shift in our posture and body language as a result of improved confidence and self trust.

We FEEL better. Freer. More confident.

The inner shows up as the outer. My clients may begin to notice:

  • They can easily pass on foods they used to feel powerless around

  • They no longer obsess or binge when they eat something that was previously “off limits”

  • Doing things for themselves that felt burdensome in the past, like making breakfast, regular grocery runs, or taking some time to prepare something for themselves happens more easily

  • Choosing nutrient dense foods because they truly want to

  • Much better self-regulation when stressed or triggered (aka less emotionally reactive eating)

  • Not eating at night because they notice they simply feel better when they don’t

  • Saying yes to a piece of chocolate or a treat a friend or co-worker brings in because they genuinely want it

  • Eating a meal and then mentally and emotionally moving on with the day

  • Having a simple plan of “course correcting” when they feel unwell after eating a type food or amount that didn’t sit right with them

  • They have softened the drive that “makes” them pick food off their kids plates before doing the dishes

  • They begin to say “no” to certain foods based on how that food makes them feel rather than the anxiety their mind perpetuates

These are personal experiences for the eater. Their progress is also measured through their own direct experience.

It’s exciting to experience these shifts as they wholeheartedly can improve the quality of one’s life!

I offer these glimpses as visions of the possible for you if you happen to be sorting through some challenges with eating.

For those who are interested in doing this work, you know I primarily do this work one-on-one (a good number of people prefer working this way) But sometimes small group work can appeal also.

Today I am also very happy to announce a new group mentoring program I am offering this Spring. The invitation is to any woman who’d like to feel more free and more confident as an eater and is drawn to working in a group capacity with my support and guidance.

Enrollment is now open.

Space is limited.

Mark down the dates and fill out the initial intake form to get things rolling! Want in right away? You can take care of registration right on the program page.

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