Fall brings an often palpable tug to “get things in order,” to re-commit to things that appropriately fell to the wayside during summer months. A sort of “hunker down” or “hone in” energy…
Do you experience this, too?
To kick things off, this past Thursday I completed two weeks of Fall therapy for liver/gallbladder and digestive health. Honorable mention goes to the impressive amount of ghee ingested during the whole thing and slowing down to tend to the body a bit more thoughtfully. I do feel better. If we’re working together and you have questions about this, just ask!
I’ve lined up my Fall teaching schedule** and have also been carving out time to help Michael create some online teaching resources for his students.
I’ve also recently been settling in with my new intern, Lauren, who’s already on the move making headway on some projects and research that we decided would be of value for both current women I work with and our larger community of readers/followers.
So sweet things coming into being. Movement! But really, not too much. Time left over for the deliciously less linear things in life.
Anyways, a micro RFW update. I hope all is well on your end and you’ve got a pace going that feels pretty solid this season.
Remember, outside of the obvious commitments in your life, you get to decide what exactly you’d like to take on these coming months.
If the idea of settling back into the body with some self-care practice appeals to you, I’ve gathered a few resources for you to peruse, the fourth of which I’ll be making today or tomorrow (yay).
To Read:
Sample Fall Menu: You’ll find foods, practices, and meal preparation that will support you through the season
Cleansing versus building foods for Fall: Learn the distinction between the two and how to make them both work these coming months
Nutritional Detox: Bad move or wise therapy? Nutritional detox can be great body therapy but at the right times and for the right reasons
To Make:
West African Peanut Soup: A seemingly strange combination of peanut butter, tomato, and collard greens. But please trust me on this one.
Cauliflower Coconut Stew: Comforting, medicinally spiced, and full of healthy fats, this is such a healing soup.
As always, with love,
Ready to connect? You can reach me here.
**I’ll be guest teaching a module for a yoga teacher training here in West Michigan (Grand Rapids, specifically) on the shadow element of the psyche. This type of inner work is really the work of a lifetime, wholeness-making sort of work. We’ve decided to open this class to the public. The class is scheduled for Sunday, October 15th at 1:30pm-3:30pm as Cascade Yoga Studio. Cost $30 Details Here